Why do you need weather monitoring?
- Monitor and log wind speed/direction, rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation.
- Log and graph historical weather data.
- Calculate and display local evapotranspiration (ET) values.
- Share the access to real time weather data with other interested parties.
- Plot the GPS location of your Weather Station.
- Compatible with the Jain C3 telemetry unit.

What Weather Monitoring Will Do For You.
- Monitor current weather data showing wind speed/direction, rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation.
- Calculate local climate for accurate decision-making for greater yield performance.
- Use additional sensors to monitor rainfall, wind speed / direction and air temperature to build a profile of the perfect crop growing conditions.
- Quick summary on your smartphone, or for more detailed analysis on your Jain Logic webpage.
- The combination of a soil moisture probe and a weather station allows you to predict the next irrigation event based on weather and current soil moisture trends.
- Log and graph weather data capable of displaying historical data and exporting data.